11 April 2012

Various Things

Well, I've had a few interesting things going on the past few days.

Adventures in Knitting Land

First and foremost was our very first knitting meetup at Panera in Huebner Oaks. I think it went very well and am looking forward to making this into a regular event for the San Antonio Fiber Junkies. At this event, the wonderful lady who introduced me to the sock yarn blanket gave me some yarn for said blanket. I have not yet worked all of it in, but I have knit squares from some of it. Please excuse the horrible quality of the photo and feel free to chastise me for my terrible laziness about weaving my ends in. I now have a system, I think. Every time I knit one square, work in those ends and the ends of another square. It's time consuming, but worth it because... ack! It's a huge mess with tangly yarn bits hanging out everywhere. Also, yes, that is a hallway and I do seem to have something attempting to escape from my linen closet. What's a girl to do when she's making a blanket large enough for a king sized bed with no bed to model it on? The hallway will just have to do for now, then I will start putting it in other hideously large floor spaces in my house... that do not currently exist. Expect rants about spontaneous furniture rearrangement in... a few years when I've knit enough squares to need to worry about it.

Anyway, at last count I had 61 squares. That is, of course, provided I actually counted correctly and do not stay up all night knitting. I'm kidding! (maybe not)

I have also been knitting those socks I started. Do not worry, I'm not cheating on them too hard with the blanket. They are looking great so far. I am not exactly sure on whether they will fit in the calf/ankle area. I can only feel confident in the fact that my gauge seems to be spot on and trust in the wisdom of the whiz who wrote the pattern. Anyway, here is a picture of the awesomeness. It's sort of amazing because the color of this yarn does not ever, ever come out correctly in pictures. It doesn't matter what color I have in the background. Anyway, I took this picture with my work resting on my knee while wearing the pink scrub pants of awesomeness (kidding, I really don't like pink!) . All in all, I think it's going well and am looking forward to getting further along and showing off.

Heathen Happenings

Anyway, I do have other things going on! For example, today I received my very first issue of Idunna. I joined The Troth at some point in the not-too-distant past. I'm not entirely sure which month it was since they all seem to have run together recently, but I was quite surprised to receive it today as I have been too busy to really think about it.

So, there it is nice and neat on my desk... with yarn in the background. :/ Anyway, I am looking forward to reading it and thinking about everything I'm reading. Probably after finals week, though. I have been so busy I haven't even had the opportunity to download the Odroerir journal, much less read it. I will definitely be reading that one as soon as the semester insanity has ended, as well. It would seem I am going to have quite a busy May.

Serious Things!

Work and school seem to be going in a great way. I am very happy with the new client I have at work and am really getting a lot of points on Nexercise from cleaning around her place. There is good in that, right? I am also happy to be getting paid because I spent some time with absolutely nothing from work and was miserable with lack of income and things to do. So, now that those things have been fixed I am feeling a lot better about life in general.

School is going... all right. I have to admit that I have been very unmotivated for the past few weeks. I am not sure why, but I feel that it is passing and I will be doing better for the rest of the semester. I am really quite terrified of tomorrow because we are having our post test... meaning a 1.5 mile run/walk. I am confident in my ability to do better than I did last time, but honestly I am pretty discouraged about the information I got from doing my measurements. It's sort of strange because nothing really changed... except my legs. I will have you know that my thunder thigh situation has gotten better by a few inches, mmkay?

Anyway, I have a lot to do tomorrow with all of that and a few things I need to take care of for my chemistry lab so I'm not going to be blathering on about it all night. All I have to say is that I am going to forgive myself for the horrible behavior that caused this semester to have disastrous parts to it and do better. There are only a few more class periods in the semester and I will shine for them, dammit. Next semester will be better.

A Heartfelt Note...

On a more serious note, I would like to share something with you all, my rather amorphous and invisible blog readers who may or may not actually exist. Last year, after my car accident, I received four blood transfusions. I had some serious damage to my lungs and lost a lot of blood with all of the fractures I sustained. If it was not for someone donating blood, I would not be here today to ramble on about knitting and all of the things I guess I'll have to read later. So, if you are eligible, I am going to go ahead and encourage you to donate blood. I'm feeling rather inspired  because I am officially now able to donate as of the first of this month and we are having a blood drive on campus next week. I will be there. If you are in the San Antonio area, there are a lot of different resources available, the most prevalent of which would be the South Texas Blood and Tissue Center. So, without further adieu, I say get thee to a certified vampire for the good of mankind!

08 April 2012

Finished BFFs

Well, I have finally finished the BFF socks I have been working on! They are beautiful.

I only had a slight problem on the second sock. It seems that, on the foot, I was not holding the needles tightly enough when transitioning from the top to the bottom so there is a little bit of laddering on the purl right before you transition to going to the bottom of the foot. I fixed this about halfway down by pulling the yarn very tight on the second stitch on the next needle and it seems to have worked itself out nicely enough. I only wish I had noticed it much sooner and started to do it before! Ah, well. I love them dearly, anyway. I work them outside to take a picture in the sunshine. I doubt I will be doing that again because merino is very soft and does not hold up very well. I worked hard on these socks and want them to last.

It's funny, last night as I was getting to the toe I was terrified that I was going to run out of yarn. The Tosh Sock does not have quite as much yardage as some of the other sock yarns I have seen out there, but I was left with a nice little hunk. I will be parceling it out to share with all of my friends who are knitting the sock yarn blanket. It is a gorgeous color and I have seen many an eye linger on it, ha!

I do not have very interesting project notes, but if anyone is interested in seeing how I did all of this with links to the pattern pages and whatnot, the link to mine is here. I think maybe next time I knit them (and I probably will, somewhere down the line) I will knit one sock with the normal cables and do the other with a cable to the back instead so they will be mirrored twins.

As soon as this project was finished, I of course went ahead and dove into another. I started another pair of socks. I am currently gauge swatching, but I plan to knit up Down The Rabbit Hole in Knit Picks Stroll Multi in the Peacock Multi colorway of old. It is apparently no longer available. Here is a picture of the starting supplies (sorry it's kind of blurry). I'm glad to be using this, because I feel it's important to use up some of my stash before going to Yellow Rose. Hopefully these socks will be finished by then and I will have a clear enough slate to look at everything available and get plenty of fresh ideas.

Well, that's about all for now. I hope everyone has as enjoyable an Easter as I am! I thought I was supposed to be working today, but when I arrived I found that I wasn't supposed to be there at all. Apparently there was a communication mix up with the boss. Hooray for waking up early and then not having to be at work, thus resulting in a longer day. I have no idea what we have planned for Easter dinner, but I'm glad it's not going to be too high-maintenance.

05 April 2012

Update on the Yarny Things

Well, I did not mean to be away from blogging for quite so long. Oops! I should have been updating this entire time.

I have been doing quite a bit of knitting these days.  Maybe even to the point of being ridiculous? I'm not sure. It has occurred to me that I did not ever post pictures of the gray Hermione's Everyday Socks I was working on. That is because there currently aren't any of the finished pair, as I am lazy and have not taken any and I haven't even woven in the ends for them yet! However, I do have a picture of the first one right before I began the toe.  That particular pair of socks was rather amusing, as I found out after knitting most of the first one... that I have been doing the knit stitch incorrectly for a number of years. Purl, also.  It's rather sad and I am not happy about it, but I have corrected the issue and the second sock was knit very differently. The difference in how the eye of partridge heel looks between the two is astounding! It also fits much better. I have a number of beautifully done things since, and I will shamelessly flaunt them before you as they come up.

Anyway, nearly immediately after I finished these socks, I started another pair. Surprising, I know! I decided to use the pattern BFF out of Cookie A's book, Knit. Sock. Love. This apparently used to be a free pattern, like Monkey, but I had it in the book and it fit the Sock Knitters Anonymous prompt (cables!) for March... so why not?  I have not quite finished, but I have gotten to the heel flap of the second sock and am really enjoying the knitting. Really.  I have a picture of the first one completed:

And another of the yarn in more natural lighting to show off the color:

I absolutely love this yarn! It's Tosh Sock by madelinetosh and now I understand why people rant and rave about it. Really.  The color is beautiful, the yarn is soft and workable, and the stitch definition is good. All around, a great yarn. 
Another thing I have been getting into recently... is the sock yarn blanket. I know, I'm so shameful! I resisted temptation for over two years before I caved. I couldn't help it. Mine is just now starting out. I don't have a ludicrous number of squares yet, but I do have one picture so far:

I have not been taking any pictures of it, as it is significantly larger than that now, because I have not been weaving in my ends like a good girl and it is spiraling out of control.  It's an off and on project, so hopefully I will remember to take and post pictures as I go along. Hopefully. My grand plan is to knit it large enough to fit a king sized bed. I figure it'll be a wedding present to myself or something... which is nothing to worry about. It's going to take me forever and I'm not even dating anyone right now so I'm right on track!

I also feel like I have been very blessed with the people on Ravelry being so awesome.  I posted the need for sock yarn scraps for this blanket in Random Acts of Kindness, as I have not been a sock knitting fiend until quite recently, and received two packages so far. I only have a picture of the contents of the first, but I will put it here:

I was so happy upon receiving this, that I skipped around the house saying "yay, yarn!" for several minutes.  I'm sure my family thinks I'm absolutely  nuts. Really.

Aside from that, I have a few other little things going on here and there.  I will be sure to post about them as I see fit. This is a horrendously long blog post with tons of pictures, as is. I will say, though, that I went to Yarnivore with Chirp in a fit of madness quite recently and came home with this:

Yes, it is orange malabrigo sock yarn. Yes, I am aware that there is something painfully wrong with me and I do.not.care. I am enjoying this particular fit of insanity, thankyouverymuch. We will see what this becomes. I am also looking forward to the Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta coming up this month. It just so happens it's the weekend before my birthday and I do most certainly plan to attend and blow every bit of birthday money I may have. :)